About us and how we can help you put Belbin to work

Here is a bit of background information on us. If you don’t want to read on, the important message we want to convey to you is that we have a vast amount of experience to share with you. So, do get in touch with us. We are here to help and support you.

We are as enthusiastic as ever

Okay, we may be getting on a bit but one thing that hasn’t diminished over the years is the pleasure we get from helping you. That’s why you will find us at our workstations most days. We are not martyrs, we simply enjoy what we are doing and are living testament to the words of wisdom attributed to Confucius: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

If you have nothing better to do and would like to know a bit more about us read on…..

Ann Watson

Ann is undoubtably the brains of the parnership.

She holds a BscHons degree in psychology and is a Plant-Completer Finisher.  So in addition to being very bright she generates ideas at a speed most of us struggle to keep up with and then she actually follows them through in a detailed and meticulous manner.

Before committing herself fully to CERT around 1990 she was a director of two retail business.

Ann Watson

Ann is noted for using her psychology qualifications in a practical and helpful way rather than making things complicated. A session with Ann typically leads to people saying things like: “Thanks, you have explained things to me much clearer than anyone else I have worked with”.

Ann’s areas of specialisation

  • Providing personal and group feedback and helping people interpret the Belbin reports.
  • Supporting internal and independent consultants with managing the process of getting the assessments completed and producing the Belbin reports.
  • Advising on the deployment of the Belbin GetSet reports for young people.

Barrie Watson

As a Shaper-Resource Investigator my contribution is more about advocacy and getting things done.

On one occasion at a conference in Australian I was introduced as someone who was likely to say: “Let’s get the plane off the ground. We can finish designing the wings when we are up there.” Now, this was a bit unfair and a gross exaggeration, but, I have to admit there is a grain of truth in it.

What about my qualifications. Mmm, I haven’t any really unless you count my VHF radio operator’s licence and (nearly) a pilot’s licence.

Before helping to setup CERT in the early 1980’s I was chairman of a major marketing group and director of two retail organisations.

I regard myself as a practical “hands-on” businessman with a passion for unleashing the potential of people.

Barrie Watson presenting in China

I suppose my practical and down to earth approach and sheer determination has enabled me to achieve so much with so many organisations around the world over the last 40 years or so. I must acknowledge though that these achievements have not entirely been due to my efforts. In every case it has been the result of forging close partnerships with key people within the organisations or local independent consultants.

My areas of specialisation

  • Integrating the Belbin methodology into people performance optimisation strategies.
  • Senior management individual and team performance enhancement.
  • Executive performance mentoring.

Other credits

Creator of the Watson Team Performance Indicator (WTPI) and the Delegation Master model and App which are used extensively by teams, managers and organisations around the world.

Contributor to numberous books and publications.

About our colaborative partners

Much of our success is due to the close collaborative parnerships we have developed over the years. The exchange of ideas and sharing of new applications and processes for deploying the Belbin methodology has been a process of continuous learning and development. We would like to acknowledge some of these key partnerships below.

The first person to acknowledge has to be Dr Meredith Belbin. In addition to using his Team Role model, we have been privileged to have had access to so many of his other ideas and concepts that have been integated into our people performance enhancement initiatives,. Thank you Meredith for your collaboration and friendship.

Meredith Belbin and Barrie Watson
Dr Meredith Belbin and Barrie Watson celebrate their combined 170th birthday in 2021
Belbin – UK
CERT India
CERT – India
Edurom Romania
Edurom – Romania
Selectio Croatia Logo
Selectio – Croatia
Belbin - Singapore
Belbin – Singapore
Belbin China
Fuqua - USA
Fuqua – USA
Fortis Mazars – France
Assiaability – Malaysia