Delegation Master

The information on this page is provided for use with the Delegation Master App. If you don’t have the App you can download it free of charge for Android devices by using the QR code or this link: Download the App from the Google Play Store

Please note that the App is currently only available for Android devices but it is planned to make it available for Apple IOS devices in the near future.

Assigning the right work to the right people is what will make you a Delegation Master. Get it right and reap the rewards of high productivity from engaged and motivated people.

How do you decide what to assign to each person? The simplest thing to do is to ask each of them what they enjoy doing most and then try to align this, as far as possible, with what you require of them.

We use technology extensively in the workplace so surely we should make use of it to make the most of our people. The Belbin assessments and reports are ideal for this purpose.

See how the Belbin reports provide the vital information you need to assign the right work to the right people.